The Rain Made Me Do It

Audrey K - Overalls

I pissed myself hoping I could blame the rain, but I pissed too much

Since it was raining I though I could have some fun with my bladder. I also wanted to check if I could take a piss by pulling my shorts and panties to one side. But it did not work out very well.

I pissed myself hoping I could blame the rain, but I pissed too much

I completely pissed all over my shorts and panties and covered my sandals in piss.

I pissed myself hoping I could blame the rain, but I pissed too much

I pissed myself hoping I could blame the rain, but I pissed too much

Super sexy and exciting experience. I will try this again.


I pissed myself hoping I could blame the rain, but I pissed too much

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