Claudia vs dog pad

Claudia - Shorts

Claudia puts on a show while wetting herself

Claudia is trying to fill a dog pad while arranging her clothing in the closet. She starts by putting her clothes in the drawers and towards the end of her hand bag she stands in front of the camera and lets it all out in her tight capri shorts.

Claudia puts on a show while wetting herself

After a short while, after showing the camera the extent of her wet patch, she goes again a lot into her shorts and socks.

Claudia puts on a show while wetting herself

Claudia puts on a show while wetting herself

Super horny clip with deliberate wetting from Claudia! Have fun!

Claudia puts on a show while wetting herself

Claudia puts on a show while wetting herself

Claudia puts on a show while wetting herself

Claudia puts on a show while wetting herself

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