Her Shiny Leggings are Full of Piss Now

Ellie - Leggings

Her shiny leggings are full of piss on the inside

Her shiny leggings are full of piss on the inside

Driving a long way to a customer spelled some destroyed leggings for Ellie. She managed to make it without pissing in the car but when she stepped out and took a few steps she gave up control and left a trail of piss.

Her shiny leggings are full of piss on the inside

Her shiny leggings are full of piss on the inside

Shiny leggings are impermeable to some degree, they really dont show the piss trails as bad as other types of clothing. Most of the piss comes out of the seems and you could actually swipe them with a dry towel and on the outside you could not tell when the are pissed. But on the inside you are swimming in piss.

Her shiny leggings are full of piss on the inside

Her shiny leggings are full of piss on the inside

Her shiny leggings are full of piss on the inside

Super sexy clip from Ellie! Enjoy and send your feedback!

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