Pissed friends

Georgia & Monica - Pantyhose

Monica takes a piss in her pantyhose while dancing on top of Georgia and pissing in her jeans

Monica was dressed that day in a black skirt and dark pantyhose with black shiny high heeled shoes and Georgia was wearing high waist jeans and sneakers.

Monica takes a piss in her pantyhose while dancing on top of Georgia and pissing in her jeans

Monica was in the mood for dancing, she stands up on the bench they were sitting on and lets out a small jet of piss down her legs. Her pantyhose did a great job of hiding the piss but the splashing on the floor gave it away. She was wetting her pantyhose!

Monica takes a piss in her pantyhose while dancing on top of Georgia and pissing in her jeans

When Georgia noticed, she invited Monica to dance and take a piss on top of her. So Monica started dancing and wetting on top of Georgia s lap, pissing both herself and Georgia s jeans.

Monica takes a piss in her pantyhose while dancing on top of Georgia and pissing in her jeans

Georgia aroused by the whole situation stands up and goes hard into her tight jeans peeing all over herself.

Monica takes a piss in her pantyhose while dancing on top of Georgia and pissing in her jeans

In the end both girls show us the pissed underwear and keep wetting until the end of the clip.

Monica takes a piss in her pantyhose while dancing on top of Georgia and pissing in her jeans

Superb clip in my opinion! Enjoy and do not forget to share your feedback as usual! Much appreciated!




Monica takes a piss in her pantyhose while dancing on top of Georgia and pissing in her jeans

Monica takes a piss in her pantyhose while dancing on top of Georgia and pissing in her jeans

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