She Leaked

Dee - Overalls

She kept on leaking until her bladder was empty but her overalls pissed

Dee was doing her make-up in the mirror when the desperation hit her hard. She continued to do her make up when the battle was lost and pee was pooling at her feet. Making her socks drenched in piss.

She kept on leaking until her bladder was empty but her overalls pissed

The her overalls started showing a growing wet patch around her butt cheeks that kept on growing and growing until the whole floor was full of piss.

She kept on leaking until her bladder was empty but her overalls pissed

Super sexy clip from Dee! Enjoy! 

She kept on leaking until her bladder was empty but her overalls pissed

She kept on leaking until her bladder was empty but her overalls pissed

She kept on leaking until her bladder was empty but her overalls pissed

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