Wetting stories

The Quiet Night

Emma sat at her desk, the soft hum of the computer filling the otherwise empty office. It was late, far later than usual, but with tomorrow‘s deadline looming, she couldn’t leave without tidying up the last few details. Everyone else had gone home hours ago, leaving her alone in the dimly lit space. Her phone buzzed with a reminder to relax and hydrate. Emma glanced at it, realizing with a wince that she hadn‘t taken a break in hours. Worse, she hadn’t gone to the bathroom either.

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, pressing her thighs together. The urge to pee was suddenly unbearable. She could have sworn it wasn’t this bad just a few minutes ago. Maybe it was because she had been so focused on her tasks that her body decided to remind her all at once. She quickly saved her work and stood up, but the movement sent a sharp jolt through her bladder.

Grabbing her bag, she started to walk toward the restroom, her knitted dress brushing against her legs, the thin fabric of her pantyhose snug against her skin. The sound of her heels echoed in the silent room, a strange reminder that she was completely alone in the office. She could feel the pressure building as she tried to walk faster, her breaths coming out in short, strained bursts.

Suddenly, she stopped halfway across the room. A wave of desperation hit her so hard she bent over slightly, clutching her stomach. Emma glanced toward the restroom door, just a few feet away, but it might as well have been miles. She couldn‘t make it.

"No, not here," she whispered to herself, panicking.

But the pressure was too much, and the control she had been desperately clinging to snapped. She felt a warmth spreading between her legs as her bladder gave way, the sensation overtaking her before she could even think. She was still standing, frozen in the middle of the office, her body betraying her. The hot liquid soaked through her pantyhose and her dress, darkening the fabric as it streamed down her thighs.

Emma gasped in disbelief, her face flushing with embarrassment even though there was no one around to see her. The soft knitted material of her dress clung wetly to her legs as the puddle beneath her grew, soaking into the carpet. She stood there, motionless, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

The ticking of the office clock was the only sound in the room now, as Emma stared down at herself, her breath shaky. Her mind raced, trying to think of what to do next, but all she could feel was the dampness against her skin, the cold reality settling in.

She took a deep breath, trying to gather herself. There was no one here, no witnesses to her humiliation. She would clean it up, change, and pretend this never happened. Tomorrow, everything would go back to normal.

But for now, she stood there, helpless, her heart still pounding in the quiet office.


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